Montage of Shared Experience

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Here's a page where participants at S&EA/O's October 2006 Leader-Full Gathering can contribute feedback around their experience and or any small .jpgs you've been wanting to share.

It ain't ideal, exactly, but at least it doesn't cost anything. Also, I'm guessing anyone who feels inclined to create a more detailed record and knows how to will be kind enough to post a link to his/her creation here.

Please note, in order to protect this site against spammers, only registered users (registration is free!) can add comments do this page.

Non-registered users can submit comments on the discussion page by clicking the tab above.


From Liz Gay, Singapore: I'm particularly grateful to those dear souls who stayed up to support my participation in a GCC teleconference that took place between 1.00am and 3.30am. The atmosphere throughout the six days of our gathering together contributed to needs of mine for replenishment, sharing, fun and care. I continue to feel extraordinarilly warm and fuzzy when I recall various incidents, especially our 'No Talent Show' and 'Closing Circles' or whatever we eventually called those elements in our programme.