Board Agenda & Minutes - 04/13/07

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Board Minutes - 04/13/2007

Present: John Wiley, Jori Manske, Marshall Rosenberg, Valentina Rosenberg, Stefan Wisbauer.
Observers: Jim Manske, William Poehner, Danielle Beenders, Margo Pair.

Consent agenda


John Wiley will be on the board until April 2008, Jori Manske until October 2008, Valentina Rosenberg until February 2009, Marshall Rosenberg until February 2009. Katherine Singer is Emeritus.


The official CNVC address with all financial institutions with which we have accounts will change on May 1, 2007 to:

P.O Box 6384
Albuquerque NM 87197


CNVC will open new bank accounts with Wells Fargo. (current bank Citibank doesn't have a branch in NM). Note: This was done 4/16/07.


No further action will be taken to complete the 2004 Audit. Consent 4/19/07

Background: This decision was taken to meet needs for ease, and for conservation of resources we can invest in directly serving the CNVC mission. The 2004 audit is not legally required, and we have a high level of confidence in our financials for that period.

Tabled Item

A tracking discussion of past decisions was postponed until the next board meeting to allow board members to review a tracking spreadsheet and to allow for further updating of the tracking spreadsheet.


New office manager, Margo Pair, introduced herself and received welcoming statements from the Board and LT members present.

Request of Board when reviewing these minutes

Please fill in anything around change on past decisions. My understanding is that no new decisions were made about them. -Danielle

Check out

  • John Wiley: warm, happy, excited and pleased.
  • Jori Manske: happy.
  • Marshall Rosenberg: happy.
  • Valentina Rosenberg: content, hopeful, grateful.
  • Stefan Wisbauer: happy, request to LT to talk every week.
  • Jim Manske: anticipation.
  • William Poehner: excited to see you all this weekend.
  • Danielle Beenders: excited to see you all this weekend.
  • Margo Pair: welcomed, grateful.

Board Agenda - 04/13/2007

NOTE CHANGE OF DATE & TIME, 4pm GMT, 9am LA, 5pm London, 1am Seoul

  • 9:00am PT - Check-in.
  • 9:15 - Consent Items (Jori, 10 minutes):
  • 1. In response to 6-month terms defined for Board members at the October 2006 face-to-face meetings:
  • the following terms will revert to previous term limits of:
  • John Wiley: April 2008
  • Jori Manske: October 2008
  • Valentina Rosenberg: February 2009
  • Katherine Singer: Emeritus
  • new term for Marshall Rosenberg: February 2009
  • 2. The official CNVC address with all financial institutions with which we have acounts is to be changed to:
  • PO Box 6384, Albuquerque, NM, 87197
  • 3. The Board authorized the opening of Bank accounts with Wells Fargo, since Citibank does not have a branch in Albuquerque.
  • 9:25 - Move update (Jim, 20 minutes).
  • 9:45 - Request for Board member to join the scholarship committee (Jori, 5 minutes)
  • 9:50 - Past decision tracking - clarification of status and need for action of specific past decisions (Stefan, 20 minutes)
  • 10:10 - Situation NVC Europe - strategies (Stefan, 10 minutes)
  • 10:20 - Check-out (15 minutes).