CNVC Decision Table

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Area of Decision-Making


Organizational Strategy – With Admin Team

Human resources

Hires, appointments, or dismissals for Admin Team (or Admin Director/LTO, or Executive Director)

Admin Team member, proposed by Board member or subcommittee, approved by Board

Hires, appointments, or dismissals for LT Coordinator positions

Proposed by Admin Team for approval by Board

Salaries of LT Coordinators & Admin Team

Proposed by Admin Team for approval by Board

Hires or dismissals of salaried or volunteer people who work on a regular basis for LT Coordinators (more than $3K expected annual salary or equivalent value of volunteer work – within budget)

Proposed by LT Coordinator, approved by Admin team

Part-time and temporary salaried or intermittent volunteer workers less than $3K expected annual salary (or equivalent value of volunteer work – within budget)

An LT Coordinator so long as is in budget.


Same dollar thresholds; there must be a written contract.

<a name="Finance__28expenditures_with_in_budget_-_other_than_hiring_salaried_or_volunteer_people_29" />Finance (expenditures with in budget - other than hiring salaried or volunteer people)

Expenditure more than $15K – within budget

Proposed by Admin Team, approved by Board

Expenditure $3-$15K – within budget

Proposed by LT Coordinator, approved by Admin team

Expenditure $3-$0.5K – within budget

Proposed by LT Coordinator, approved by Office manager

Expenditure less than $500 – within budget

LT Coordinator

Requests of any size for expenditure of restricted funds.

Proposed by Admin Team, approved by Board

<a name="Budget__26_Strategic_Plan" />Budget & Strategic Plan

Annual budget; annual strategic plan, including new office facilities

LT Coordinator input, assembled & proposed by Admin Team for approval by Board, updates Board on progress

Changes during year that increase total budget &/or significant strategic plan or facility changes

LT Coordinator input, proposed by Admin Team for approval by Board

Reprogramming during year that does not increase total budget

Proposed by LT Coordinator for approval by Admin team


Establishing relationships with other organizations

LT Coordinator input, proposed by Admin Team for approval by Board

Information Technology

Technical strategies not involving expenditures above budgeted amounts

Information Technology Coordinator

Education Services

IIT operations

IIT specialist determines where IITs will be held, makes agreements on logistics; IIT specialist proposes scholarships and attendee names for approval by Education Services Coordinator


Routine reviews and approvals of candidates handled by Certification Committee; standards and operational plans set by Education Services Coordinator


Routine scheduling handled by scheduling specialist. Major changes and annual schedules developed in collaboration with Educational Services Coordinator

<a name="GCC" />GCC

Supporting formation of local and regional NVC groups worldwide, and organizing communications and downward and upward links. GCC meetings.

Operations handled by the GCC co-coordinators. Receives and follows up with contacts handed off by Educational Services Coordinator.

<a name="Synergy" />Synergy

Make alliances with like-minded organizations

Contacts and negotiations with other organizations handled by Synergy Coordinator. General plan approved by Admin Team.


Seek grants and donations

Contacts and proposal preparation handled by Fundraiser. General plan approved by Admin Team.


Ensure timely and clear communications between Board, Admin Team, LT, and NVC network

Written communications prepared by Communications Coordinator with review and concurrence from the Admin Team



What stock and offer in bookstore proposed by Bookstore specialist and approved by Office Manager


Timeliness and accuracy of transactions and reports verified by Office Manager. Audits handled by Office Manager with general oversight from Board Treasurer.
